Monday, February 3, 2014


If you look closely, you can see the students have corrected their grip!  We are seeing the transfer into writing time, also.  If we notice that a student is holding a pencil incorrectly, all we need to say is "swim like a froggy!"

Friday, January 31, 2014

Project 64 BEGINS!

Today, we started coloring our drawings with crayons.  The kids were so thrilled!  First, I introduced our 4 new colors. Before in Project 50, we learned about shading and pressure with our pencils, and we applied the same concepts with our crayons.  Take a look!  We saved our drawings to work on later :) today we had 45 minutes of drawing stamina!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pencil Grips

Our classes are still working on Project 50, which is learning how to grip a pencil to create muscle memory.  We learned when you hold a pencil correctly and draw/write, your fingers look like a frog swimming in the water.  Go ahead, try it!  We say "swim like a froggy" to help get our fingers ready for drawing!  Here are some photos of our class drawing our pictures and adding the flower to our ABC book.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Welcome to our blog!  This is where the Belmont Kindergarten team will be telling you about our experiences with Project 64, and how we plan to create readers and writers using drawing as our platform.  We hope you find this blog useful!  Your feedback and questions will help us along the way!